Pranks, thanks!
Okay, let’s be frank about the prank.
It’s been years since I came up with a really good April Fool’s gag. I think it was the classic “misplaced objects” one: Timm opened his box of morning cereal to find it full of packing peanuts, got in the car to find a stuffed animal already in the driver’s seat, that kind of thing. The genius of this one was that I had not one, not two, but just a seemingly never-ending series of such silliness. It was, as the cognoscenti used to say, a doozy.
But I haven’t really done anything too Fool-ish since. Thinking up new material at the last minute is hard, yo! (Because I always forget till the night of March 31.)
What kind of prankster are you? Do you come in prepared and kill it— or do you trust to eleventh-hour inspiration?